Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tomorrow :: Ad2 PS Happy Hour w/ Wish for Wheels!

Just a reminder that tomorrow night is our PS Happy Hour Event w/ Wish for Wheels!  

Meet the other members of Ad2 Denver and network with peers in the adv industry! Find more about our public service campaign, meet the client, and sign up in areas where you can help. We'll have sign up sheet to help in the following areas: Creative/Design, Event Planning, PR, Fundraising, Media, Interactive

Tomorrow - Jan. 28th from 5:30 to 8pm 
Nine 75, (10th & Lincoln)
975 Lincoln St. Denver, 80203

* Nine 75 has extended their happy hour for our group! Enjoy discount drinks and apps off their Happy Hour menu til 8pm. 

Based on the calls & emails I received, I'm sure we'll have a great turn out. See you all tomorrow! :) Oh, and if you haven't already, sign up to receive updates to this blog. 

- Melanie Rose, Ad2 Public Service Chair
Cell: 954.288.5185

Friday, January 23, 2009

Notes from the Jan 22nd Creative Meeting

Attendees: Ted Morse, Melanie Rose, Lily Diaz, Courtney Campbell, KC Dunstan, Patrick Cowan, Justin McCammon

Discussion and Action Items (in no particular order, names that are assigned tasks are bolded):

Work with bike apparel maker Twin Six to create shirts, socks, etc at discounted cost for sale via their site to benefit WfW. Patrick to share his contact info with Melanie for coordination when we're ready to make apparel.

Have WfW ask it's current bike related partners / sponsors for access to their email newsletter lists or have an email sent on behalf of WfW or even mention on blogs / sites to drive donations to WfW site. Melanie to follow up with WfW on getting partner contacts and then get a member of the committee to do some outreach.

Creating the email donor campaign. The plan is to roll out this years WfW donor letter via email initially. The email is slated to go out roughly two weeks from now (2nd week in Feb at the latest), pending approval and getting the mass email system set up, etc. Ted will explore what email system will work best (swiftpage, mailchimp, and working with Merkle have been suggested.) KC will work on design while Patrick works on copy.

New look and feel for WfW. Courtney will develop several concepts for re-design logos, etc for WfW. Patrick and Justin will work on taglines. Concepts are to be presented internally before the next Ad2 BOD meeting on Feb 3rd (exact time TBA.) Then to WfW later that week or the 2nd week in Feb for approval. The goal is to send another email announcing new look / feel as well as asking for donations in mid Feb (2/16) as well as send a postcard mailer to donors that WfW doesn't have an email for around the same time, with the goal to drive donations to the web site whenever possible.

For Future Consideration:
What events do we want to target?
Could we have some kids who've gotten bikes from WfW at an event to highlight the work they do and add emotional appeal?
Can we ask some local bike retailers to do a "round up your purchase" type of donation program for WfW?
What collateral does WfW need for events?
When will the "big event" be, and how can we make it kick ass?

Did I miss anything? Weren't there but have another idea? If so, let's hear it in the comments.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Creative Meeting Tonight

Today, Thursday Jan 22nd, 6pm at Karsh \ Hagan (2399 Blake St, take 24th st west across Blake into the alley beside the Blake st. tavern. There are a few visitor parking spaces there in front of the 2399 blake sign, the K\H doors are just north of that under a red sign. Call me @ 970-371-8818 if the door is locked)

Beer and pizza provided.

  • Brainstorm WfW Donor Email
  • Brainstorm WfW Donor Letter / Postcard / Etc
  • Assign creatives to complete the above two items, deliverable to the client in the first week of February
  • Brainstorm other WfW's creative items (i.e. blue sky some ideas since strategy isn't locked down yet)

Don't forget to RSVP via the comments on the previous post.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Creative Meeting: Jan 22nd, 6pm @ Karsh \ Hagan

Previously mentioned creative meeting has a location:
Thursday Jan 22nd, 6pm at Karsh \ Hagan (2399 Blake St, take 24th st west across Blake into the alley beside the Blake st. tavern. There are a few visitor parking spaces there in front of the 2399 blake sign, the K\H doors are just north of that under a red sign. Call me @ 970-371-8818 if the door is locked)

Don't forget to RSVP via the comments on the previous post.

An assignment for the writers: we need four email blasts written for the Jan 28th event at Nine75. Email Justin ASAP if you want to tackle this.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Calling all Creatives

Hey you, yeah you. The reclusive writer cranking out your manuscript in the corner of Starbucks. And you, yeah the artsy kid who wants to push your design skills to the next level. Oh yeah, and you, the guy / gal who creates incredible things I don't even know about but will revolutionize advertising. I'm talking to all of you.

It's time to get to work.

Here's the plan: Creatives Unite! on Thursday, Jan 22nd @ 6pm at Karsh \ Hagan. If you're planning to attend then leave a comment on this post so I know how many people to expect. They'll be pizza and beer, because I think we all know that's where creativity comes from.

UPDATE: Location: Jan 22nd, 6pm at Karsh \ Hagan (2399 Blake St, take 24th st west across Blake into the alley beside the Blake st. tavern. There's a few visitor parking spaces there in front of the 2399 blake sign, the K\H doors are just north of that under a red sign. Call me @ 970-371-8818 if the door is locked)

Here's the agenda:
  • Brainstorm WfW Donor Email
  • Brainstorm WfW Donor Letter / Postcard / Etc
  • Assign creatives to complete the above two items, deliverable to the client in the first week of February
  • Brainstorm other WfW's creative items (i.e. blue sky some ideas since strategy isn't locked down yet)
Come prepared with concepts, ideas, beer, pizza, whatever you need to get some thinking done. If you're still new to the project and need to catch up (or had a brain purge over the holidays) see below.

To see what WfW's has done in the past visit the Ad2 PS dropbox at: drop.io/ad2denvercreative (pass: ad2denver) and look at the WfW letter pdf (sorry for the funky characters, the scanner tried to interpret their watermark as text or something, but you get the main idea). To get even more backstory check out the "WfW Preplaning meeting - Justin's Notes" to see their answers and my thoughts on our early interviews with them.
If you have questions, contact Justin at justinmccammon [at] gmail.com or 970-371-8818.

Thanks for getting involved, the fun's just getting started...

Monday, January 5, 2009

PS Meeting moved to Tues. JAN 13th at Vine Street Pub!

Our next Public Service: Research and Strategy meeting has been moved to JAN. 13th at 6pm at Vine Street Pub. The purpose of the meeting is to review the research and discuss the next strategic steps. I'm in need of those in Account Planning to help develop the strategy for our campaign! Please contact me if you are interested: publicservice@ad2denver.com

PS Headquarters at Vine Street Pub! All-day Happy Hour on T-shirt Tuesdays!
Next PS Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 13th 6pm to 7:30pm
Vine Street Pub: 1700 Vine Street - http://mountainsunpub.com/
We have a section at their restaurant so we can conduct our Ad2 PS business over an extended all-Tuesday happy hour but we have to wear the Vine Street T-shirts. The owner has given me 6 shirts for our PS team! Microbrews and beers for only $2.75 a pint! (Reg. $4.25) T-shirts are for sale at the restaurant & you receive your 1st beer free w/ shirt purchase.

We're also planning to have a PS Happy Hour Event at the end of the month. This way, we can meet the rest of the Public Service team and touchbase. The date is TBA. Happy New Year & please contact me or more info.

- Melanie Rose